Too many things going on in your head?

Well, I am guilty of that *raises hand*
But who isn’t?

Stress can cause a lot of problems and I have to admit I’ve been pretty stressed out the past few days or weeks even. So much has been happening recently and it imposed a lot of stress on me. You know these days when you are overthinking, struggling with falling asleep and being unable to concentrate? Yes, that’s what’s happening right now. Let me give you some insight.

Fruit is great for staying carbed up and positive!

For the past month or month and a half I was attending driver’s education classes to learn theory and then practice my driving skills. It was a lot of fun but as I was heading towards the end of it I became more and more stressed out. Mainly because I want to pass the theoretical and practical exam so so bad. When the course ended I put off the moment when I had to sign up for the theoretical exam and now as I finally did it (next Tuesday, 16.08 GMT+2) Continue reading

Sweet Mango Lentil Dahl

This recipe was pretty much an accident to be honest. I wanted something for dinner with lentils and I thought of combining them with mango and tomato somehow. And I have to admit it turned out pretty damn good.


It is sweet from the mango, sour from the tomatoes and lime juice, spicy from the cayenne pepper and creamy from the lentils. It is pretty much an explosion of flavours in your mouth.

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Nutrition on point with the Nutritious Vegan Bowl

If anyone tells you that vegans are malnourished and unhealthy, then laugh at him and tell him that he made a terrible mistake. Veganism is the healthiest diet on the planet and only people who eat too little, who can be basically anyone from keen meat-eater to committed plant-eaters, are malnourished so I am talking here about anorexics, bulimics and generally people with eating disorders.


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One year vegan – how it changed my life

I have been plant-based and later vegan for about a year now. It has been an incredible experience and I want to share with you how it has benefited my life.


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Creamy Mushroom Pasta


Me and mushrooms had a love-hate relationship throughout my entire life. When I was a kid I used to love mushrooms in any form. As I grew older (and went through all weird phases of puberty including a rebel and denial phase) I started to dislike them and even feel sick after eating them! I used to love capricioza pizza and suddenly I felt sick after eating it. Fortunately, this phase of my life is gone now and I enjoy eating all edible kinds of mushrooms. Therefore I made this amazing Creamy Mushroom Pasta with mushrooms and coconut milk. Continue reading

My eating disorder story

This year has been a year of great changes for me.

I have learned to stop blaming myself for everybody’s unhappiness.
I have learned to love my body no matter how it looked.
I have learned to open myself to others.
I have learned to keep a positive attitude no matter what.
I have learned to be happy.

I couldn’t have done that without my parents’, my boyfriend’s/best friend’s help and without going vegan and finding out about the vegan community.

My parents where first to notice that Continue reading